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In The News

Nova, A. (2023, September 6). DeSantis is taking aim at ‘zombie studies’ on the campaign trail. It’s a real thing. CNBC.


Prieur, D. (2023, September 13). Private schools in Florida take up the fight against African American history standards. Education, WMFE 90.7, NPR.


Burt, C. (2022, September 26). What is Really Being Taught in a Course on Critical Race Theory? Education, University Business.


ACLU of Florida. (2022, June 13). Eric Smaw, Ph.D. President. Alongside Dr. Deborah Archer, President of the ACLU; Racial Justice Series: Reparations for African Americans: Compensatory Justice for Unjust Takings.


Firpi, J. (2023, October 10). Smaw Receives Torch of Excellence Award, Rollins College. 5.

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